Monday, April 4, 2016

Nature Poem

Nature Poem Of BVHS

The trees sway in the wind 
Like they are in the same bind
Image result for pictures of a baby                   The creek makes a gurgle
                       It is like a baby trying to be verbal

Insult Poem

My Insult Poem

She causes so much drama 
Because she cries to her mamma
She wonders why she has no friends 
To hang out with on the weekends

Image result for pictures of a quart         You are so short
           You're the size of a quart
           You are always so slow
           You are quite the blow

             You get all of the attention 
            You give a lot of tension
You are so annoying
Your voice is so ongoing

You think you are so perfect
You think  you are never incorrect
You claim to remember anything
But you won't be able to get a ring