Monday, April 4, 2016

Nature Poem

Nature Poem Of BVHS

The trees sway in the wind 
Like they are in the same bind
Image result for pictures of a baby                   The creek makes a gurgle
                       It is like a baby trying to be verbal

Insult Poem

My Insult Poem

She causes so much drama 
Because she cries to her mamma
She wonders why she has no friends 
To hang out with on the weekends

Image result for pictures of a quart         You are so short
           You're the size of a quart
           You are always so slow
           You are quite the blow

             You get all of the attention 
            You give a lot of tension
You are so annoying
Your voice is so ongoing

You think you are so perfect
You think  you are never incorrect
You claim to remember anything
But you won't be able to get a ring

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Crazy Vacation: Paris

My Crazy Vacation: Paris
 As I finish packing my bag to go on my first trip to Paris, I am starting to get really nervous. This is my first trip out of the country without my parents. I start to question why I am really taking this trip to Paris, my first out of the country journalism job. “Is it really worth taking this big of a risk?” the voice in head is getting to me. After I do a check that I have everything I start closing my suitcase when I hear. “Lylianna hurry up we have to leave soon or you are going to miss your flight”

“I will be right down mom, I am walking down the stairs right now.” I put all of those scary thoughts out of my head and got ready for the trip of a lifetime.

The flight just landed and as I am waiting for my bag, I meet this guy named Cameron. Since I don’t know anyone else I decide to step out of my comfort zone and introduce myself. “Hi, my name is Lylianna, but most people call me Lyli,” I say to him. At first I don’t think that he heard me when suddenly he says something.
“Hello Lyli, my name is Cameron. Sorry, I am in a rush I have to take my bags to my new house, and then go to the Eiffel Tower. Hopefully I will see you around.” I was surprised that he said that much to me.  As I am walking to the hotel to take my bag inside so I can go explore the city, I remember what Cameron said, that he would be at the Eiffel Tower. At the front desk, I get my room key and take my bag upstairs. I grab the map so I know how to get to the Eiffel Tower. Outside there is a taxi, I get in and politely ask the driver to take me to the Eiffel Tower.

When I get to the Eiffel Tower I immediately run up all of those stairs hoping that I will see that mysterious but cute guy that I met at the airport. I get to the viewing area and instead of looking at the amazing view, I am looking for Cameron. I spot him taking pictures so I decide to go up and say, “Hi again, what are you doing taking pictures here?”
He turns around with a surprised look on his face, and it’s like he doesn’t remember who I am but then I realize he does when he replies, “Why hello again Lyli, what brings you to the Eiffel Tower. I am taking pictures to start my new journalism job.”
“Well I remember that you said that you would be at the Eiffel Tower so I decided to see what you are up to.” Oh great I think!  After I say that, I realize that he might think that I am stalking him, but surprisingly, he doesn’t turn and walk away.
“Well that’s cool that I am your only friend here, he says.  Then he asks, “ Do you want to hang out here and just get to know each other?”
I am so shocked that he said that, so I immediately said, “Sure I don’t have anywhere else to be.” We talked until 8:30, when I asked Cameron if he would take me back to my hotel. When we got to the hotel he asked for my phone number, and of course, I gave it to him. Before I walked into the hotel, I turned around and he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. I walked into the hotel and I couldn’t believe what I had done today. I had taken my first trip out of the country, without my parents, I had talked to a boy that I had just met, and I spent most of the night with that same boy. I started to think that all of the risks that I had taken so far were going to pay off. Suddenly, I got a text notification from Cameron. At first I thought that it was crazy that he would want to keep talking to me, but I decided to text him back. We texted until 3:00 am and I finally told him that I was busy the next day so I had to get a little bit of sleep, so I could do what my boss wanted.

Today, when I woke up, I needed some coffee, but I couldn’t help but think about Cameron and how sweet he was to me compared to any other guy that I have met before.  But then I blinked, and remembered I had to stop daydreaming and get to work!  I couldn’t be late to work on my first day! I got to work, and my assignment for the day was to go to the Eiffel Tower. When I got to the Eiffel Tower I couldn’t help but think about Cameron and the time that we had spent together last night. I checked my phone hoping that Cameron had texted me. I was getting a call. “Hey Lyli, it’s Carla I was just letting you know that your next assignment is at The Louvre. The Louvre is a local art museum. You need to be there by 5 because they close at 6. Oh, and by the way, have fun. Kisses Bye.” I run down the stairs and take a taxi to The Louvre to take pictures. I get out of the taxi and I feel overwhelmed about how beautiful it is here. I start to take pictures of the artwork, and find myself thinking of Cameron, and how much he would love it here.

A few days have gone by, and I have been really busy so I haven’t been able to text Cameron. Today I finally had a chance to text him. I asked him how he has been the past few days. All of a sudden he asked me out on an official date!  Tomorrow! This date would be my first real date ever, so I was really nervous about saying yes, but I did. I got even more nervous about the date, so I texted my mom. “Do you think that saying yes to him is stupid for me to do? I am getting really nervous because this is my first date and I don’t have anything to wear. Is it okay if I go buy a new dress?” I asked concerned about money.
“Of course you can. I can’t believe that my little girl is going on her first date. I have to tell dad.” She says, reassuring me that everything is going to be ok.
“No mom, please don’t tell dad.  I will call him and tell him tomorrow. I love you but I have to go so I can buy dress, we are meeting at 9:30 am.” I hang up the phone and go buy my new dress.

It is 8:30 and I still can’t believe that I am going on my first date in a hour. I got dressed and put on my makeup, and then I put on my sneakers, since those were the only shoes I had. I walked downstairs to wait in the lobby, because Cam is coming to pick me up. I see Cam walking through the doors and I run up to him and give him a hug. He is surprised and says, “ Hey you are you ready to go to Kell’s Cafe? Is that a new dress?”
“Ya I am ready and yes this is a new dress. Do you like it?” I ask him hoping that he will like it.
“Of course I like it. You look amazing. The taxi is waiting. Let’s go.” He says, walking me out the door. We get into the taxi and head to Kell’s Cafe.

When we get there, it is quiet. We order coffee first. We were talking about what we did the past few days. When we were done we just walked around town pointing out all of the little monuments and taking pictures together. Then suddenly, I got a call from my mom! I answered, “Hi mom what’s up? Are you okay?”
“Ya I am fine. I just had to let you know that you need to come back to California .We can talk about this later.” She hangs up the phone and I start crying.
“What’s wrong?” Cam asks
“I have to go back to California. Don’t worry I am going to talk to my parents about letting me stay.” I say trying to reassure him. When I get back to the hotel room I call my mom right away. “Hey mom what was that all about? Is it because I am dating Cam? That is so unfair.” I start saying.
“I told your dad that you were dating a guy named Cam and he said that you have to come home.”
“Mom how could you? I said that I was going to tell him!” I say starting to yell at her.
“Calm down honey, I think that we should talk about this later.”
“No, we can talk about this now I am at the hotel.”
“Honey we are planning on coming later today to see you ok. We can talk about it then. I love you ok, we can talk when we get to Paris.”
“Ok mom, I love you too, see you when you get here.” I say after I calm down a little bit. I walk around Paris trying to look for Cam and then I look down at my phone and I see that my parents have landed and that they are going to their hotel. As I am walking down the street I see Cam at a jewelry store but I don’t care because I am walking to talk to my parents, but I text him.

When I get to the hotel I see my parents and I give them a hug although I am still mad at them. “Hey dad I was just wondering if you would like to meet Cam tonight at a dinner? He said that he would like to meet you before dinner to talk. Is that ok?”
“Ya of course honey where is he?”
“He is at a jewelry store down the street. I will tell him that you are coming.”
“Ok bye, have fun.” He says as he is walking out the doors. I help my mom take their luggage up to their room. “Hey mom will you go with me to buy another new dress for dinner tonight?”
“Of course I will but we better go now so we have time to get you ready. Are those the only shoes that you brought?”
“Ya mom they are, so can we buy me a new pair that way it doesn’t look weird?”
“Ya. Go get us a taxi and I will be right down.” Little did I know that the text from my dad that my mom got would change our lives forever. We get to the store and buy me a new pair of high heel that are black because black goes with everything. My mom starts asking me how I feel about Cam so I replied, “I have never felt like this with anyone else! I hope that everything works out for us with me having to go back to California.”
“Honey I know that you can work it out, you can always come visit him a lot.”
“I know that we will work it out, it’s just that I don’t want to leave I love being here with him.”
“Ok let’s go get you ready for dinner. Dad said that he would come pick us up for dinner.” As I walk into the lobby of the hotel my dad is there waiting for me and his jaw drops when he sees me. “You look amazing! Now let’s go, we don’t want to be late. Cameron is waiting for us.” When my mom came downstairs we walked out the doors and went to the restaurant.

At the restaurant, we walk in, and when I see Cam I run up and give him a huge hug and a kiss. “Hey babe you look amazing. Are you ready to eat. The food is really good here.”
“Ya I am ready. How was your meeting with my dad?”
“It was good but we can talk about it later. We should get to our table and get some food.” We are sitting there and laughing and Cam starts talking about all of the amazing times that we have had together the time that I have been here. We decide to go on a walk to the Eiffel Tower. Cam and I walk up the stairs together and when we get to a point where we can look at the view, I look over and Cam is on one knee and is asking me to marry him. “Of course I will marry you. Is that what you were meeting my dad about earlier today?” Before he answers me I hug him and a kiss I am so happy that I am crying.

It is May 10th our wedding day. It is a really small wedding just family and friends.I start crying as I say, “Cam, today as I stand here before our friends and family promising to spend my life with you. I feel like all of the choices that I have made over the past few months have led to you. When we are together I forget about everything else in the world. I can’t help but think that if I wouldn’t have said hi to you in the airport, then I wouldn’t have met you. I love you so much and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world, because I get to spend the rest of my life with you.” As Cam says his vows I am crying so hard because they are so sweet that I can’t help myself. The ring he got me is beautiful and I can’t believe that I am marrying him. The priest says, “Cam, you may kiss the bride!” Our kiss is slow and sweet and I am thankful that I get to kiss him for the rest of my life. For our honeymoon we go to the Caribbean and spend the entire time at the beach. Before we go back to Paris we go to California to get the rest of my things. then we go to Cam’s apartment, but we are packing up to move into a new house. I am so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with Cam. I knew that I would be on the trip of a lifetime, and I am so happy that I took all of these risks to spend the rest of my life in Paris with a guy that I had just met but I fell in love with.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Welcome to my new blog. I hope that you like my blog.